It's been wonderful for me! Been dating my girlfriend for 4 years going on 5, and I'm very blessed to have met her when I did.
I thought I would share two pieces of cliche advice:
  1. If you think it'll be a shit-show, chances are it will be a shit-show. But as long as you strive to be the best you can be, eventually someone as cool as you will come into your life.
  2. And don't chase. An amazing partner will come into your life when you stop chasing and just focus on living your best life.
You cannot control what happens externally ie if a the person you go on a date with is a "shit-show" or the dating environment at large is a "shit-show". But, you can always control what's going on internally, and you can always improve yourself regardless of whether you are dating or not.
Anyways, all the best and have yourself an amazing day!
Not chasing is a good way indeed , it goes well with this idea of not chasing butterflies but preparing a nice garden for them to come in.
So instead of actively pursuing potential partners (with the painful process, the disappointment, the drama etc ...) everyone is focusing on becoming the best version of themselves and creating a fulfilling life.
And worst case scenario If no partner comes, that is not too bad because the life we have is already pretty cool.
And worst case scenario If no partner comes, that is not too bad because the life we have is already pretty cool.
*Hookers, FTFY. 😜
Rookie mistake, Stack Sats @Fabs!
Owwkay? 😈