Yeah no one is going to look up from their tiktok to figure out if some altered photo/video is digitally signed on a blockchain.
I do agree with him that as AI continues to get better we're going to see a massive deflation of human labor costs throughout every industry. White collar first and then manual jobs when robots and full self driving are realized.
Well, surely it would show up in the client, like a much stronger version of NIP-05 in nostr. Perhaps even, the client refuses to show the media unless it's signed, and the posting function has signing all rolled into it.
100% agree user friction kills it. How many people use pgp? However, https is pretty widespread and I certainly feel an emotional reaction when I have to go to a http site and my browser acts like I've got an incoming cruise missile.
...and you may not need a Blockchain for this use-case, nostr would suffice.