carter was as much of a super awesome early adopter as he claims?
Carter is interesting but not interesting enough for me to care about his ego. Dude has lost it because bitcoiners called him out for his crypto promotion. I follow and respect many people that are not bitcoin only but this dude's ego is something else. This thread also makes me think he's naive. But as I said, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm just to skeptical and grumpy. Maybe I've been through to many hype cycles and heard bold promises before. I mean, honestly that is why it took me so long to dive into bitcoin. It sounded like hype. And a lot of it is hype. But sometimes, maybe even most of the time there is substance under the hype. What I've learned to do is try to ignore the hype and the people that reject something altogether. Usually both are wrong. This sounds like Carter has fell for the hype. The "AI" tools are tools. Its not magic. Its not terminator. I frankly find it surprising that people still believe the boy who cried wolf over and over again.
Then again, people still think we live in a free country. That voting matters. And some clown in DC is one of the most important things to your life. So I guess I am falling for the hype in some way myself.