I want to share with you a series of black and white photographs that I captured with one thought in mind: the love I feel for this city.
Through my lens and my passion for street photography, I can rediscover the city with fresh eyes, as if I were a foreigner seeing it for the first time. It is a pleasure to be able to share its beauty with all of you.
My home is in Venezuela, in a beautiful city called San Cristóbal. A city that stands on mountains and is surrounded by exuberant nature.
Its streets are full of happy, friendly and hard-working people.
Without a doubt, what I love most about this city is the peace that is breathed in every corner.
I hope you enjoyed the photos in this post, which in some way is a tribute to this city that is so special to me.
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Thank you friend for sharing the beauties of our country to the world 🌎 and highlighting our essence.