PRAYER OF THE DAY - Psalms 51:11
Oh God, source of mercy and forgiveness, as we begin this new day, we humbly turn to You for Your presence and guidance. We acknowledge our weaknesses and sins before You and cry out for Your restoring grace. Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us, O Lord, and renew within us a pure heart and a clean mind. Enable us to live in righteousness and holiness before You, following Your commandments and honoring Your name in everything we do.
Lord, remove the presence of evil and sin from us, and fill us with the fullness of Your Holy Spirit. May every word we utter, every thought we cultivate and every action we perform be pleasing to You, O God. Help us to resist the temptations we face and to remain firm in faith, trusting in Your promise of protection and deliverance.
Strengthen us, O Lord, to resist the impulses of selfishness and injustice, and enable us to live in love and compassion towards others. May our lives be a reflection of Your unconditional love, demonstrating kindness, generosity and forgiveness to everyone around us.
Grant us, O God, a broken and contrite heart, ready to recognize our mistakes and seek Your forgiveness. Enable us to forgive those who have hurt us and to seek reconciliation where there is division. May our lives be marked by humility and love, reflecting Your abundant grace towards everyone we encounter.
Lord, may Your presence be our constant companion throughout this day, guiding and sustaining us every step of the way. May we experience the fullness of Your joy and peace, even in the midst of life's difficulties and challenges.
In the name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer, we pray.
The passage from Psalm 51:11 says: "Do not cast me out of your presence, and do not take your Holy Spirit from me." This passage is the psalmist's plea for forgiveness and spiritual restoration. The prayer drawn up based on this verse reflects the desire to be in the presence of God, be filled with His Holy Spirit and live in accordance with His will.
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