Shitcoin vs Shitcoin V2
Therefore, if you are a validator or own stETH, you may not do particularly well out of the ETHPoW chain.
Err, well, and vice versa, which is precisely the point.
Apart from the irritating typos ("resent"), this article seems to be obsessed with one tine of the hard fork not supporting the other side. That is, those who stay with PoW are apparently to make arrangements to avoid impairing PoS. Despite the PoS tine having dropped difficulty bombs and an Ice Age to fuck over PoW.
Split, hard fork, compete fairly.
And face it, if all the complexity and real-world means ETHPoS fails, at least Ethernauts will have a Plan B in ETHPoW. Or would have if there hadn't been so much effort made to burn the boats.
[The concept of “burning boats” is often traced back to an apocryphal story associated with the conquest of the Aztec Empire by Hernán Cortés. In 1519, Cortés led a large expedition to Mexico. The goal: capture a magnificent treasure said to be held there. Upon arrival, Cortés destroyed his ships.]
Lol and what are we meant to learn from this failed experiment?
Jimmy Song was right, shitcoiners are coming
We really can't have one place for ourselves can we?
When our Tether- (USDT ERC-20) margined contract goes live, users will be able to get trading exposure to ETHPOW – with up to 2x leverage.
ETHPOWZ22 is a linear futures contract, margined in USDT (ERC-20). It works similarly to a regular futures contract, but with some key differences which you’ll find detailed below:
Coming Soon: Tether-Margined ETHPoW Listing
When our Tether- (USDT ERC-20) margined contract goes live, users will be able to get trading exposure to ETHPOW – with up to 2x leverage.
ETHPOWZ22 is a linear futures contract, margined in USDT (ERC-20). It works similarly to a regular futures contract, but with some key differences which you’ll find detailed below:
Coming Soon: Tether-Margined ETHPoW Listing