"Saint Joseph, most chaste husband of the Virgin Mary, just man and faithful to the designs of God the Father, teach us to be silent, when the storms of words overshadow the balance of peace in our home. May, in divine trust, we recover serenity and, through dialogue, we can be united in love. Mary, Holy Virgin, Mother of Merciful Love, help us with her intercession, in the face of difficult situations; cover us with your maternal mantle, in the face of misunderstandings and misadventures on the walk; and show us the path of tenderness following in the footsteps of your beloved Son Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace and King of Mercies, help us on the paths of kindness, forgiveness and unity. By your divine example, enlighten our steps, so that, living in harmony, we are for the world witnesses of Your Holy Family of Nazareth. Give us peace and free us from evil. Amen!"
Thank you for this message, may God bless you
Amen 🙏