Wow, it is a quite difficult topic, the culture of the East is very difficult to that of the West as the main complication, and secondly, giving money to others is also something quite controversial and with multiple angles and perspectives to look at it.
For example, here in South America it is common to see people asking for money at traffic lights, train stations, markets, main avenues and among other places, on many occasions they are people of extreme poverty who thanks to that can get something to eat during their day, on other occasions Sometimes they are people with addiction and with this they support their vice, be it gambling, alcohol or drugs, it tends to be generalized that everyone belongs to this second group, but this is not the case and last but not least there is a third group, which are lower class people monetarily speaking but who could easily work and be productive, but No, they decide to act like paupers and in this way they make a living, worthy children of the socialism that the region has adopted in recent decades, even There are countries like Peru, Chile, Ecuador or Colombia where these individuals even generate more money than the average working person who aspires to a minimum wage.
And on the other hand, I totally agree with your words that to see changes we must begin by being ourselves that changed.
thanks for writing about this.