At this point, I have been thinking seriously to get neutered
The current dating scene:
  1. Superficiality: Judgments based on appearances, pressure to follow unrealistic online personas (instagram drama queen).
  2. Emotional Detachment: Casual hookups leading to minimal emotional connections.
  3. Mental Health Strains: Rejection, insecurity, and the relentless search for validation affecting mental well-being.
  4. Dating Scams: Risk of being catfished, of sextorsion, ghosted, financial loss, resulting in serious trust issues.
  5. No commitment: Need I say more?
  6. Safety: Increased risk of STIs, risk of being misinterpreted and harassed, or cyberbullyied.
  7. Societal Confusion: Confusion about gender roles and the clash between traditional expectations and modern dating practices.
You know what's deterring me the most? The fact that women literally have to do nothing more then pick a guy from their virtually endless lists of admirers, be taken care of during the whole "get-to-know-each other"-phase, and make a call; but they're still single.
Fantasy? Nope, I have a sister (an average looking girl) which (has) had lists of guys who'd turn up to pick her up, drop her off, and pick her up again for nothing in return, who'd take her out for a night of clubbing, drinks for both her and her friend's on them, who'd turn up with flowers and take her out to eat for nothing in return, simply because they thought that they'd make a chance; although she decided (and told us) from the very beginning that she'd never-ever seriously consider the guys, it was amusement for her, on their costs and time; and they were all good-looking at that.
As men, and especially as an average male, you have to do everything, and the most awarded prize( if you even get one)? An average girl who starts nagging after the "honeymoon-phase" is over.
Call me a hater, but man: the stuff I see and hear my sister doing to these guys is a very potent in deterring me from even entering the arena.