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  • Workshop Date: [2 days - September 2024]
  • Time: [To be announced]
  • Location: [BOB Space or alternative venue]


The idea is to gather and brainstorm with local business owners, service providers and anyone else interested in the topic to understand and adopt groundbreaking technologies like Cashu + Nostr as alternative, anonymous and secure payments and communication methods between sellers and buyers.

Key Highlights:

• Medium Scale Workshop: Experience firsthand the operation of Cashu BTC Mints, specifically deployed for physical events like this. Rest assured, the workshop is designed to prevent any possibility of rug pulling, ensuring a safe environment for all participants. • P2P Trading: Engage in trading goods directly with peers. • KYC Free: Enjoy the freedom of transacting without the hassle of KYC requirements, preserving your privacy. • Learning Experience: Both users and vendors will benefit from this immersive learning opportunity, gaining insights into the workings of decentralised and/or distributed marketplaces. • E-Cash Preferred: While e-cash is the preferred mode of transaction, participants are not obligated to use it. Terms of trade will be agreed upon by vendors and customers. • Hosted by BOB Space: The Cashu Mint will be hosted by BOB Space venue, providing a conducive environment for networking and learning. • Registration: Both vendors and users/customers are required to register for the event using Nostr Keys. Vendors will need to pay a small commitment fee to showcase their products. • Legal Considerations: Participants are reminded that this workshop operates within the framework of decentralised finance. If legality concerns you, perhaps this event is not for you. • Safety Measures: In adherence to health protocols, masks or costumes are recommended for all attendees. • Everyone is free to use any Cashu wallet, but the mint will be arbitrarily elected by the organisers to ensure a flawless experience.
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the future of peer-to-peer transactions. Join us for an enriching and empowering experience at the Cashu + Nostr Physical P2P Market Place Workshop!
Note: For those interested in displaying goods, please reach out to us at this Nostr npub
PROUDLY ORGANISED BY discover more about on BoBspaces.net
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Such great initiative! Which tools are you planning to share with merchants to gift them and customers a smooth experience?
Some of the merchants will already have their ons toolset. In case new merchants will join I assume we will evaluate case by case and suggest tools based on their needs.