Barry owns a house in DC because he is the puppet master for Biden
Obama is a former president and former head of the Democratic Party, Biden is literally his former VP and current president - do you think that a singular piece of property in his name is going to magically make him more able to control Biden than that initial relationship?
I don’t have a problem with blacks owning houses. Much better than section 8 public housing which is problematic but you and I digress
Your anti-blackness is showing. You aren't actually really speaking to what Obama did either, just making another reference to him being black again and tying blackness to public housing.
If you didn't have an issue with Obama because he is black this wouldn't be relevant to bring up.
I never said Barry was a closet Muslim but he did celebrate Ramadan at the White House.
Why would a president voted in on a platform of 'bringing people together' want to celebrate a holiday shared by a major voting bloc of his constituents?
A presidential first and hopefully the last Ramadan celebration at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave
You do realize that none of this is policy just how you feel about his perceived core identity, right?
this territory is moderated
Barry is the head of the party
Regarding policy, Obama was a disaster especially health care of ACA which has made healthcare unaffordable
Biden represents Barry third term
Regarding black ownership you brought it up not me.
Sounds like you are voting for Biden. You should answer my poll question
Barry is the head of the party
So why does he need to have a house in order to control Biden?
Biden represents Barry third term
Because he was Obama's VP and head of the party- what does this have to do with him owning a home?
You're the one who brought up the man's home -make it relevant or just declare your biases upfront so honest conversation can be had.
Regarding policy, Obama was a disaster especially health care of ACA which has made healthcare unaffordable
And his ACA was damn near a copy of what Republicans were doing in Massachusetts at the time.
Notice how long it took you to discuss anything the president actually did vs who the person is?
Why do you suppose that is?
Sounds like you are voting for Biden
Republicans in Massachusetts?
McGovern won one state in 1972. Guess the state?