I think anyone in the bitcoin space can relate to this quote. What is your way of interpreting this? For me I have always took it in the sense to not trust anything, even your gut instinct. Instead use indicators that you can follow up on and if you can’t follow up with information, assume the worst outcome.
Maybe you befriend someone and over the course of years of getting to know them you feel you know their likes, dislikes, what makes them tic, what makes them happy, etc. so you feel you can trust them. Only to later find out they were actually a sociopath who was only friends with you to siphon the gas out of your car one quarter gallon at a time over the course of those years. Whereas if you had read the indicators that they always smelled of gasoline and carried a weird tube with them you could have been informed of the situation sooner!
Obviously this is a silly example, but what are some more practical ways you could apply this quote to your daily life?
I think the paranoid can be cautious at every turn. This helps them avoid a mistep that many people would take. The issue with this though, is it is no way to live. We need to develop relationships with people in our lives, and out of 10 relationships, maybe 1 will screw you over and 9 will be just fine.