Good morning stackers.
Day 132 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
Good morning
I think it might be a good time to give my dead hang update since I've been doing it daily for the past month (I actually missed 1 day during the month, so technically it wasn't daily). Since you expressed interest in my previous comment about my dead hang routine, I'll just write my update here so you get the notification.
I've been hanging mostly on my bar at home, which I get to 1m30s on average, but I get to 1m40s on a good day and 1m10s on a bad day. I did my hang at the playground 3 times during the past month, and all 3 times, I was able to go for just over 2 minutes. The smaller bar at the playground really help give me a stronger grip, thus allowing a longer hang time (even though it was probably only 1/4 inch or 3/8 inch smaller in diameter).
I don't know if my grip strength or shoulder muscles have improved, as I do not have a before and after comparison or measuring metric for those. I'm assuming both were improved. One thing I did feel is that my lower back pain has improve. I still have tightness and slight sore in my lower back, but the pain seem to be mostly gone. I haven't been stretching my back much during the past month, pretty much similar amount like what I did before I started doing dead hangs. So I'm concluding that doing dead hang did help relief lower back pain; at least that was the case for me.
I'll continue to do daily dead hangs and try to get to 2 minutes on my bar at home. Maybe I'll give another update when i finally reach that goal. And hopefully I'll eventually become strong enough to get to 3 minutes. Hang in there stackers.