Now that we have Nostr and Lightning, it would be appropriate to redesign GItTorrent. Lighting would be for tips. Nostr would be for announcing repos (like a search engine). There's no longer any need to store data on the blockchain.
This shit has been around for 7 years! Holy cow.
Hasn't been updated in a while... I wonder if it needs a revamp?
Is this something that could be implemented as a lightning app on umbrel?
Yeah, you're absolutely right, this is before the lightning network so it would need to be fixed up a little. Once its revamped though, I don't see why it couldn't be a lightning app on umbrel. npm hasn't gone away, javascript hasn't gone away, torrenting hasn't gone away, and Bitcoin certainly hasn't gone away. Shitcoins have been parading "decentralized storage" so that hasn't gone away either, in fact I think this project is the hero we need right now.