[T]he mind is at least not exactly a machine that all of us know completely how to operate, so it's salient to remind ourselves to reassess our operations every now and then.
To modify the face description of the linear and non-linear approaches to suit some of my perception of life: It's like looking at a yoga pose and trying to achieve the shape of the pose via cranking yourself rather than learning how to understand how the body moves in a genuine sense.
This intersects something I wrestle with a lot. There are two wolves:
Wolf A: you can only get in yoga poses that your body can actually accommodate -- pretending otherwise is the road to misery. If you can't bend yourself into the required shape after conscientious effort, it's wrong for you. Knock it off. Find your own thing.
Wolf B: stop being a fucking baby! Hard things are hard, and they are accomplished by striking the stone until it breaks. No stone of any consequence breaks after the first few strikes.
I believe in both these wolves. They have their own large territories. And yet they can't, for a particular thing, both be true. But it's hard to know which territory you're in. At least, it's hard for me.
(I know I've said something about this before, probably many times. But like I mentioned, I wrestle with it a lot.)
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