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Hey everyone, I posted this in r/Bitcoin on Reddit earlier then realised SN is probably a much better place to post!
In short, I recently got majorly 🟠 pilled and I'm trying to figure out how best to make Bitcoin user numbers go up! The survey linked is the culmination of 30-hours of research, now ready to be voted on.
As a thank you, you'll be redirected to the survey results after you complete it.
Here's the link to the survey: https://app.opinionx.co/rbitcoin-1
P.S. the results are totally anonymous. I don't ask for any identifying info. If you're concerned with trackers (I don't control the survey tool) suggest opening the link in Brave Browser or equivalent.
P.P.S. if you don't want to complete the survey, please don't just rush through it just to get the results. I'll post a link to the results in the comments later in the week.
not sure why you fwd the sats to me, and thanks:) πŸ‘€
I think it should be done through education, with hands-on information and how tos; Or even better, with real users showing how they use Bitcoin in their lives instead of all those influencers talking about the price.
You’re welcome πŸ™‚ a post of yours was showing below mine as similar. Thought why not!
Thanks for your thoughts. Would really appreciate if you could complete the survey.
I have a suggestion. Make every suggestion skippable. Lots of people with useful answers just don't want to answer some of these questions.
more validation for adopting lightning as a way to grow the network.
Hey everyone, didn't realise I posted this as Anon βœ‹πŸ˜‘ noob mistake.
It's very long and boring. Also, there must be a skip button for every question for there are questions which get irrelevant to someone and may be relevant to someone else
Hey, sorry about that. Can you tell me which questions were irrelevant for you? I added skip buttons to all the ones I thought some people might not be able to answer.
Completed, thanks! Yea, I think these questions were really good and they will help you identify where to lean in on for more user growth.
Awesome, thanks for completing! And enjoy the results πŸ˜‰
Survey is too long
Sorry about that. It was actually double the size (20mins) to begin with. The survey was designed based on 15 hours in 1-2-1 interviews. My clients would pay around $3K for the output of this type of stack ranking survey, and I'm giving it away for free to everyone who completes it. Hope that's enough Value4Value.