People who have it dont want to spend it. Its just the way of life. This was a good article explaining many of the pitfalls of using bitcoin. But if we dont push past these boundaries and find where it is useful and not, it wont progress. It takes time for things to progress, even tesla struggled in the early days.
But people don't spend it because they want to save or because the fees are too high and there are also few places where you can spend that Bitcoin? in my case, when I have seen a good opportunity to spend Bitcoin I spend it, using layer 2, but there are few places to do it.
As it gets more widely adopted, it will get easier. 10 years ago, it was even harder. Things take time to develop, people dont accept things instantaneously.
In my country, in 2013, more merchants accepted Bitcoin than today, today there are hardly any, many of them were large merchants, so it is difficult to justify that time will change this if there are no changes.
Times change as we make progress. Bitcoin isnt easy for small transactions, but lightning is here.
Saving is the reason
Fees fluctuate