That's a lot of warm jackets when pulled off of out one of them :-) Bones, tusks, meat, pelts, back in the day they use all of it. I wish we could have few of them around, magical animals.
Out of the four reasons, three of them were caused by humans. Were they good to eat? I guess no one has tried in years... Wouldnt it be like eating elephant?
I'm not even sure how elephant tastes. Most exotic meat I have eaten likely is crocodile. But probably humans back then there didn't had much choices about what to eat during the cold winters.
I tried ostrich once. it was jerky though. I guess they didnt have much choice, they just ate what came their way. If only they knew how valuable the tusks would be in the future lol
Wasn't there this story about the fact that Woolly mammoths were still roaming the earth when the Great Pyramid of Giza was completed? Always sounded weird to me as mammoths somehow feel like they existed in prehistoric times and Pyramids are only few 1000 years BC.