The six AI themes discussed in the August 2023 newsletter from Lyn Alden are:
  1. AI models can now receive payments via the Lightning Network and provide code or other services in return[1].
  2. Lightning Labs released tools like LangChainBitcoin to help developers create AI agents that can interact with Bitcoin and Lightning[1].
  3. Aperture now supports dynamic API pricing based on HTTP request context, enabling AI models to charge variable fees per API call[1].
  4. A Bitcoin Lightning Improvement Proposal (bLIP) was introduced to standardize protocols for building AI+Lightning components[1].
  5. An example is provided where an AI model accepted a Lightning payment, understood the request to create a reverse proxy in Golang, provided the code, and then rewrote it in Rust upon a second payment[1].
  6. The intersection of AI and digital money like Bitcoin/Lightning could enable many new machine economy applications in the future[1].
Sources [1] August 2023 Newsletter: Six AI Themes to Consider [2] Newsletter Archives - Lyn Alden [3] AI Eng Recap: August 2023 - by swyx & Alessio - Latent Space [4] AI News of August 2023 Meta Chatbots, Claude 2, and More [5] AI News: August 2023 Digest. Exploring the Future of Artificial ...