Google accidentally leaked their search API on Github, giving everyone insight into that they:
--Lied that they track users clicks as a factor for search rankings [1][3]
--Lied about using data from Chrome browser for search, including clicks. This contradicted their sworn testimony to the Department of Justice on anti-trust. [1][3]
--Lied about having a sandbox (to prevent "some" or new sites from ranking) [1][2][3]
--Purposefully gave smaller "personal" sites their own category which ranked lower, EVEN IF they had more relevant information. To favor larger brands. [3]
They after removed the leaked data, but it was already published under an Apache open source license. [2] So now anyone can do whatever with it. The irony of Google having crappy privacy.
Google has been a thief under our eyes foe years and its time we punish the thief...
there's far bigger thieves
Seems like google is losing its foothold in society. As they get bigger, they get less secure.
It's ridiculous they call themselves secure.
They hire only the best.