For me money was a means to an end. I want to eat, I need money. But never I "loved" money for itself, indeed. But are there really people who "love" money for itself? When I go to a foreign country though I am always interested to know what kind of person there is on their paper.
What I love is Bitcoin, not bitcoins. I love the network and what all it enables. Now do I love the decimal numbers written on my wallet? Not so much. In this respect I prefer gold, it shines. My first international payment since the time I got rejected by credit card providers was with Bitcoin Cash (at the time I was confused by the difference between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash). So I am grateful to have a technology which enables me to use a payment network which doesn't exclude me for not satisfying nationality requirements or other shady criteria. I totally understood that for banks I am not worth a normal bank account or a credit card by the way so I don't hate banks either. I have almost everything in Bitcoin so we mutually excluded each other hahaha.