My vision has changed since I became interested in aliens, I looked at them with fascination and with an aura of mystery, now I am so sure that they are probably real that they do not fascinate me so much, but I firmly believe that they are among us.
What do you think is the cause of your interest in them decreasing, as your surety increases?
For myself, I went down the bitcoin rabbithole before the UFO rabbithole. I think they are linked more than people realize and I believe the two topics are the most important topics of our time.
That said, I think turning more UFO people into bitcoiners is far more important than telling bitcoiners about aliens and UFOs. But I'm trying to strike a balance I guess.
Yes, I also believe that they have points in common, my interest waned because I got stuffed with UFO and extraterrestrial content, and I researched too much at the time, I don't feel the same curiosity as before, especially when I started to be interested, logically, in addition to being 10 years old at that time.
My belief has been reinforced by everything I have researched, it would be very cynical of me to simply say that they do not exist when there is so much evidence to the contrary.