As a long time player of the game, I can say that soccer has taught me the very important lesson that you cannot lose as long as you are there to learn. Sometimes we get too caught up in winning at all costs, or seeing losing as something that is negative, but thing is, each game regardless of result is a learning opportunity, thus, the only way one can lose is if one takes nothing away from the game. Whether that be the game of soccer, or the game of life.
Congrats to the keeper! Does he play in Singapore's domestic league? I was kind of rooting for Thailand since my friend works as a translator for their national team and I've had the wonderful opportunity to visit there.
Awesome that you zoom out n see each game not as an end in itself, but rather as a stepping stone for you to reach the next level.
It must be fun observing another style of soccer and seeing how it complements or contradicts your own play, huh