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Many people don't need to work a 5-day week, and I'd argue they'd be even more productive if they were allowed to work only 3 days, or in some instances even 2! Win-win, IMHO.
The public sector is full of such people faking work, or doing just the absolute minimum, knowing well that they can't get fired. This is one of the main reasons why top politicians usually outsource critical work to top consulting firms, instead of relying on their staff.
The fired employees worked in the bank's wealth and investment management unit...
No wonder my investments are doing terribly! /s
"Wells Fargo holds employees to the highest standards and does not tolerate unethical behavior," a spokesperson told Reuters.
Sure they do... Don't forget these guys opened accounts without customer permission. This is just comical.
I am sure more than that are faking work.
Uh oh. Can you really get fired for pretending to work?
Probably a pretty solid deterrent. Eat the slowest gazelles.
How is this a story worth worthy of Reuters readers?
Remember when Musk fired a ton of Twitter employees and people were predicting it would crumble? Still cracks me up.
For several years I worked in many jobs. I have news for ya. A TON of people don't work and get away with it. I remember my first day at a factory working with the union shop steward (ironic title). Dude was worthless.
I agree 100% with this!
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 13 Jun
This reminds me of Bullshit Jobs. Half the people I know hardly do any work.
One friend works 3 hrs/day a couple days per week as a remote software engineer earning big bucks. It makes me wonder if the 10x engineer is really just the guy that actually does his job. Though, admittedly, not really working has become so normal, it can be problem to actually do work in engineering orgs. At my one post-college job, I kept getting told to "slow down" and "take it easy" by older directors.
One friend works 3 hrs/day a couple days per week as a remote software engineer earning big bucks.
This blows my mind, but I can totally see it happening, and have seen it happen first hand, yet it still blows my mind. I knew of one guy that just went in the office and took naps. Shockingly, he was actually let go, though I don't know what the actual cause was. But there's definitely people who take advantage when it comes to remote work, being unsupervised. Meanwhile, I usually sit at my desk (at home) and am so engrossed in work that I work through traditional lunch time lol.
It makes me wonder if the 10x engineer is really just the guy that actually does his job.
Could be. It's pretty hard to measure, IMO. I learned of the term "multiplier" and it took me a while to grok, but eventually it made sense to me. Sometimes the 10x engineer isn't just cranking out 10x the code, but rather they make the engineers around them that much better, more productive, etc.
Though, admittedly, not really working has become so normal, it can be problem to actually do work in engineering orgs. At my one post-college job, I kept getting told to "slow down" and "take it easy" by older directors.
Bloated orgs seem to be afraid of actually being productive. That's what happens when there's too much middle management. ICs are weighed down with BS processes. Middle managers have to come up with things to justify their existence. It's sad, really.
I'd rather they fake work than fake bank accounts
I would love to see a protest from other bank employees. This is something like an encroachment to their civil rights...
This is peak fiat activity right here. it is crazy how they can monitor key strokes and see if people are working.
Are these the remote workers?
They were doing the right thing. Banks fake a lot of stuff, don't they? What's wrong if the employees are doing?
Such employees should be treated with much respect by other employees.
However, they are caught now so, it will be difficult for them to get the new job in the same sector.