I recently got into a bit of a flame war (well, flame skirmish) with someone here about Trump. I thought I would ask this, to educate myself a bit and understand a little better on why people think he is a great leader. Also, maybe some hearts might soften if we remember the good things, and not harp on the bad.
What did he accomplish while in office that was good for you or your family? Or good for society?
No negativity, no snarkiness please - I would like to see detailed answers. Replies that have useful information will receive 888 sats. Exceptional replies will receive 1776.
W's for the Trump Administration:
General comment:
Trump is a clever populist and a strong leader, but made terrible cabinet choices back in 2016 (as evidenced by his own FBI pick running a raid operation at his house). He unfortunately let the Fauci-led COVID policy turn authoritarian, and didn't hesitate to ask for the money printer to be turned on (https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/11/trump-once-considered-just-printing-money-to-lower-the-national-debt-woodward-reports.html).
He was not effective at "draining the swamp" and stopping foreign intervention. "Operation Warp Speed" was a sketchy situation - rushing through clinical trials was dangerous.
He was great entertainment imo
Pretty the First Lady
This is... debatable. Though, I would say she is better looking than Mrs. Obama, if you go look at photos of Mrs. Biden when she was younger, I would argue she is the prettiest of the modern First Ladies.
Started no war while in office.
Made public the ongoing relationship between Israel and various Islamic governments.
While I cannot recommend the New York Times as a reliable source, I present this link as an example of the kind of reporting done at the time.
The conflict between Israel and its neighbors serves as a perennial bogeyman narrative to promote and enforce oppressive policies upon innocent populations. Trump, unlike any president before him, that I can tell, successfully cracked the veil and made public information documented in less publicized investigative journalism as well as document leaks. While we have little to show for it as yet, I think that action may have significant long-term impacts on the region.
I liked trumps work in office. Wondering if he is the last real president the US will have