I recently got into a bit of a flame war (well, flame skirmish) with someone here about Trump. I posted this discussion just now (#57371), and I thought I would ask this about the other guy as well. Maybe some hearts might soften if we remember the good things, and not harp on the bad.
What did he accomplish while in office that was good for you or your family? Or good for society?
No negativity, no snarkiness please - I would like to see detailed answers. Replies that have useful information will receive 888 sats. Exceptional replies will receive 1776.
He used executive orders to postpone interest and payments on my socialized student loans.
Probably not good for society, but it lets me focus my FIAT on the mortgage which has a higher interest rate than the eventual interest rate on the student loans.
Seems good to society for me. Plenty of countries have free or subsidized university.
I have many thoughts on the education system, and as much as I don't want to pay the debt, I don't in the least think it fair to put that onto society. I would find it better for society if we deregulated education to encourage more value and competition.
Support of NATO and Ukraine
I feel like this is a topic that, given @sb 's logic, can be debated one way or the other. In his defense, looking at WW1 and the idea of 'entangling alliances' giving way to all out war, you can argue that having larger military alliances increases the chance of war (while also minimizing through deterrence).
There is a... sweet spot, between deterrence being effective, and literally taking so many members that war becomes likely/inevitable whether through accident or otherwise.
I actually disagree with you on this. Extending NATO Article 5 protections to an ever-expanding list of countries is shockingly dangerous. Smaller countries feel secure that they have the protection of the US nuclear umbrella, and tend to take rash actions.
Here's a recent example where Lithuania began blocking the arrival of goods from the Russian mainland to the Russian territory of Kaliningrad (https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1628780/what-is-happening-between-lithuania-russia-evg)
This kind of tension can easily escalate into a hot war. Lithuania would never dare to block Russian goods if they didn't assume they would have NATO protections.
Lithuania just did what the EU sanction demanded moron.
Hey man, I was just respectfully disagreeing with you. No need to call names. It really diminishes your argument when you have to resort to pathetic behavior like that.
My original point still stands. The United States lending out its nuclear umbrella to the entirety of the EU is a dangerous situation. I don't believe in risking nuclear war for some economic sanctions. But hey, that's just my opinion. It has no consequence because I'm a nobody :)
His biggest accomplishment is being a 4 year timeout period compromise candidate to calm the waves.
I wish he were more adept at calming the waves 🤣
Please close your eyes. Now imagine Bernie Sanders or AOC or Marjorie Taylor Greene as president. Now open your eyes please. The waves are pretty ducking calm right now, aren't they?
Don't know the man, don't have any relationship with him, and in fact, I've never even met him.
I suppose it's possible we had a chance encounter as strangers once and he held a door open for me or something, but it's hard to say.