The post “Fed Court of Appeals Rules mRNA are NOT Vaccines Under Traditional Definitions” (#566311) reports an interesting development about one of the biggest medical scandals of all times.
So-called mRNA vaccines are not vaccines indeed, they don’t prevent contracting the disease and they don’t stop transmission (contrary to many claims from Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, journalists and politicians around the world) so what do they do exactly? They are “safe and effective”, right?
Well safe as long as you don’t ask for the data. When asking for it, researchers who initially were ghosted by the FDA filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and got notified that it would take 55 years for the FDA to release the data...yes you read that right, six months to approve the vaccines and 55 years to provide the safety data. Ironically, the aim of the researchers was to access the data to convince vaccine skeptics that they had nothing to worry about, I hope that the turn of event has made the researchers realize that there was something suspicious about such a quick approval
wow They are trying to bury the side effects. I wonder how many of the people who made the vaccine actually took it?
It is very old news but has not made any noise which says a lot about the media and the world we live in. Since then, the truth has slowly come out (e.g., Fauci grilled before congress for the lab leak cover-up and shady gain of function research in Wuhan, virus transmission study never performed, vaccines actually not being vaccines, etc...) and many lies are getting exposed. The damage is done but better than never to expose the criminals
Better late than never to expose the truth. Maybe there will be a hack or leak, and all will be exposed?
Probably very few. I'm certain most industry insiders knew how dangerous it was.
Exactly they hid safety data, said nothing when people were saying that it stopping transmission while they knew it wasn't and worst they went after people who warn about all of this. They also misled people with how they reported efficacy, not really 95% efficacy for sure
Yes, for sure not 95% effective. I think everyone knows that when you took the vaccine, you felt like total shit for the next few days. Then it was a lot easier to get it, too. Which person got the vaccine and never got covid, any?
The shots are known in the industry as 'gene therapies' . I suspect that Pfizer, Moderna etc knew that the public wouldn't take them unless they thought they were traditional style vaccines. But yeah the adverse events have been horrendous. I was looking at VAERs as early as January 2021 and the reports of adverse reactions were already piling up. I tried to warn people but very few would listen.
Moderna tried mRNA for cancer and never made it to work, the technology is not mature and before covid vaccines they had no product on the market. Their first product was rolled out on the whole population with no proper risk-reward analysis, typical conflict of interest from connected people (from government and private sector) getting rich at the expense of the population (i.e., Mussolini's definition of fascism)
remember when the definition of vaccine changed?