I've certainly heard this before. I don't think they've built a new nuclear plant in America for something like 40 years.
As of January 2024, Vogtle Unit 4 at the Vogtle nuclear power plant in Georgia was expected to begin commercial operation in 2024. Vogtle Units 3 and 4 are the only two nuclear reactors under construction in the United States as of August 2023. Once completed, the two reactors will make Plant Vogtle the largest nuclear power plant in the country, surpassing the Palo Verde plant in Arizona.
As I suspected, they arent making "new" plants, but making expansions. This might skew the data a bit.
That's why you brought up expansions?
It's similar to oil and gas development. A lot of existing wells are expanded upon, in part because new well aren't being permitted.
Its always good to doubt. Trust but verify. I do know they shut down a plant they were constructing and putting online in Taiwan. Now Taiwan is struggling with their power output. Rolling blackouts in the city. Planned, so everyone gets a little bit of it.