Wonderful take - I think a measured, molasses approach is important.
The whole taproot thing proved to many of us that sometimes making a change can and will lead to unintended consequences (ordinals).
I think you could make that argument for unintended consequences the other way too, if ossification happened earlier and we didn't get segwit, then there'd be no LN and we'd have missed out on so much value creation for the wider network like we see today, none of us can really predict what the market will push to the top, some good some bad, but the bad stuff usually cooks itself with time as it's economically unviable
The podcast makes a similar point -- the bad question is "ossification or not"; the good question is "how will this change, or not making this change, affect the system as it comes to be expressed in the world, at this time?"
Yip, with you there, hindsight is a bitch, everyone can seem smart looking back, but when we have to make decisions based on what we know today, the same way others did when they pushed for taproot or segwit