Bitcoin is going to $1 million over the next 10 years.
So why would you invest in real estate?
That’s the latest out from Fred Krueger.
Fred Krueger is a very successful entrepreneur & investor.
In his Krueger made it very clear why Bitcoin is the better investment over real estate.
But first, Fred broke down where he sees Bitcoin going over the next 20 years.
“I think most of the gains on Bitcoin are going to happen over the next 20 years.”
Krueger then gave some rough price targets:
“We get to $1 million a coin within 10 years. I think we get to $10 million a coin within 20 years.”
If Bitcoin were to reach $1 million per coin in 10 years, that would put the market cap at ~$20.87 trillion.
And at $10 million a coin, the market cap would be ~$209.96 trillion.
(these calculations account for new Bitcoin entering the supply over 20 years)
With these numbers in mind, Krueger has a very simple take on Bitcoin vs Real Estate:
“Bitcoin will outperform real estate by quite a wide range.”
And for people that are looking at buying their first house, this is what Krueger has to say:
“If I were you, I might just wait a little bit. I would say a smarter idea would be to rent and put some money in Bitcoin for 4 or 5 years.”
Now let’s take a look at some charts to see if Bitcoin really is better than real estate…
(spoiler alert, it is)
The chart below shows how much Bitcoin (orange) is required to purchase an average home in the United States.
Notice how the amount of Bitcoin required has always been trending downwards.
United States Average House Price in Fiat (Green) and BTC (orange)
And it’s the exact same story in the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom Average House Price in Fiat (Green) and BTC (orange)
The trend is clear.
Over the last 15 years, Bitcoin has been the superior long-term investment compared to real estate.
Will that trend continue and will it continue at the same pace?