Literally just read this article this morning. Something in the virtual air about streaks, I guess.
I do like having my (small) cowboy streak. And I do appreciate that it's effectively value-less (losing the streak or hat doesn't mean you gain daily rewards at a slower pace when you come back, for instance, unlike the login streaks used in some games). But it does have the ability for those of us with any tendency towards the dopamine fix (which is a lot of folks) to create the sort of feelings you're feeling right now (and that I'd likely be experiencing if I were about to be offline).
Anyway, I hope you get the mental reset you need (whether or not the cowboy hat is involved).
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As a teacher, I read the article with great interest! Now I know how to nag at my students to help them form better learning habits!
Great article! Thanks for sharing. Exactly right.
Anyway, I hope you get the mental reset you need (whether or not the cowboy hat is involved).
Gracias :)