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The Polish Prime Minister has finally said out loud what I have been writing about here for some time: the plan is to break up Russia into many small states and in this way, and I would add, plunder the country's resources at arbitrary prices. If this does not succeed, the brics states, the energy-rich countries of this world, will soon set the prices. And Europe has no resources worth mentioning.
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Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island; who rules the World-Island commands the world.
You can make a case for this being the entire purpose of the 1st world war. Get Germany to weaken itself and Russia, even though they are natural economic/trade partners.
Sounds like a plan. Europe is blessed with abundant sunshine, flowing rivers, and strong winds. However, we still need to rely on gas, oil, and uranium to meet our energy demands.
Do not forget Pizza, Bratwurst, Football and bad music
And the lack of values!
Eyyy. I am geman. They are fuc.... pardon, saving the planet for You guys!
Germans have a superhero complex lol
You don't believe in Greta Adolf Thunberg?
I disagree that we lack values. Which values do you mean exactly? Maybe I'm missing something.
and Vatican! Ahahahahhh
Beer, Dutch flowers and rainfall
We're incredibly fortunate to have all the resources we need, but we're lacking strong leadership.