Fair enough, I was looking so far at both from the perspective of being able to make faster bitcoin transactions. If trading other tokens is the goal, then I definitely see how liquid is more suitable for this.
If you look at it only in terms of transaction speed, then the comparison doesn't hold anymore I believe. Fedimint is definitely the one to use, not Liquid. I think also the ability to do offline transactions through ecash on Fedimint is definitely amazing, like bolt cards. Well this is half true since the vendor has to have internet but the buyer can buy offline instantly. In my case I am still very at attached to the self-sovereign aspect so I prefer Lightning but Fedimint is faster. By the way I don't know if you know but you can try by yourself the Fedi app with federations available on Mutiny.
I use federation on mutiny
Quite nice, isn't it? I think the Fedi app is better, at least at the moment: https://www.fedi.xyz/builders The integration with Bitrefill is really nice.