Respect to you to for being an OG.
Even when I joined, the norm was still 1 sat zaps.
That may have even still been the case when @grayruby finally joined Stacker News.
Yeah I'm like why is grayruby calling me an OG I've seen their nym around forever, but then I look and its like November 2022 and I'm May 2022 and I'm like well alright I guess I was on here for a couple of months before them....lmao
I feel the same way. All of you who were already here when I started reading and posting feel like a different class of stacker.
Well you picked up on the techniques pretty quick and improved on them.
I had a few well structured articles before, but I stopped because I need to actually build myself more lol.
Like I'm going to continue the altnet series....when I get setup demonstration done, which I can't do yet because I need to hit the books hard on RedHat for career reasons, but even then I think I might focus on learning flakes because I feel that's really important (probably more important than a hypothetical altnet that no one seems to have a need for right now)
Maybe I'll write an article about getting your shit together when you have too many ideas and not enough time to do it all lmao.
Maybe I'll write an article about getting your shit together when you have too many ideas and not enough time to do it all lmao.
Haha. Make that a top priority.
When you are 3 years old like SN, 6 months is a long time. Besides I just like using cool kid language like OG.
So if I've been here for 1 year and 1 month am I an OG? Hahaha, I'm just kidding