The Philippines have a couple of shitcoin options designed for remittances and sold as sending money abroad cheaper. Ultimately Western Union type operations are the winners though. It doesn’t matter if you have a BTC-savvy US worker if his family can’t receive BTC and translate that into dollars or local currency…. Strike needs to happen and be promoted.
Bongbong Marcos is very keen on exporting labour and is pushing hard on an already important remittance structure. Unaccounted / unaccountable remittance in the form of ‘balikbayan’ boxes is also significant in supporting families. Wonder if there is an advantage for him in looking to BTC rails.
Are you filipino? My cousins there were pretty clueless about Bitcoin. I was hoping to pay them in BTC to try to avoid transaction fees...
I am not unfortunately - just know a couple of people from there and I listen to their struggles.
The problem in transferring in BTC is getting it back out again when they need fiat (Assuming they need the cash)
140 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 17 Jun
It's sad some people work really hard jobs in the Philippines only to make $6-10 per day. I think they could actually do nearly as well posting here if they worked at it.
And write a few guides or how-to to help others in a similar situations if not necessarily the same country
You have friends from all over the world
I do know a lot of people, thats true… keeps you grounded if you know people from lots of different backgrounds
I would prefer if adoption happened on the merchant's side through LN, but in the meantime I think Strike is bringing adoption, it's undeniable.