• At the end of every interview, I type the questions that took me by surprise and wished I had answered better on a document. Over the years, the questions pile up, and I get better at putting myself in the shoes of prospective interviewers and anticipating the kinds of questions they would ask.
  • You probably know your story inside out, but nothing like an acronym to help you bring to mind your talking points quickly. So I call myself an ACE educator, where ACE stands for adaptable, creative n enthusiastic. I can easily rattle off stories based on each of these traits. Also, having an acronym that feels authentic to me helps in advancing my narrative n solidifying my brand image
  • Are there initiatives that you can join in which you offer guidance to youths who are interested in venturing into your field or even just getting general career-related advice from a professional? So my country has such programs, and I find value in participating in them because I get to share my talking points in a non-threatening environment when my mentee asks me questions. I still remember a mentee being so interested in teaching that she asked me to keep a time log of my activities for a week. Meeting new people is always good - it broadens my understanding of human nature. Left to my own devices, I wouldn’t have bothered to track my usage of time.
Very useful tips. Thanks