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Wow! Time to feed the pool. You'll get the stats after the last match. What I can see that you're eliminated once again and you will require to rebuy it.
I'm -2 after this game. Am i not? There's still one more chance before I get eliminated.
Kindly read the post. You've actually missed four games on the trot. This post was for 5 matches and the rule of elimination says:
Missed Participation: It's only allowed for 3 matches throughout the tournament. #553371
Ok! My bad!
It happens! It's a fast paced tournament. Sometimes, there are even 3 or 4 matches in a day. But, this also makes it kinda more fun. You miss and you can rebuy in ...
Now we only have 15 matches left and you just need to zap 1650 sats to take part ... The prize of the pool is currently 10 times more than this and will increase. But you can't rebuy in the super 8s, knockouts and the final.
Yeah I know! It was Eid here yesterday, that is why I got stuck in family matters and couldn't take time out to attend the matches. Missed the start of Euro's as well. Anyways, Eid is over, back now to get going again!
Ahh! Didn't know you're a Muslim.
Belated Eid Mubarak, brother...