You might or might not know, I love to sharpen blades. I've been asking friends and family for their kitchen knives to sharpen because I believe in order to master a skill, you must do it over and over again. But I can't be sharpening my wife's kitchen knives multiple times a week, so sourcing more blades from other people makes sense for me.
I recently got a Chinese kitchen knife from a friend and it is by far the knife in the worst shape I've seen.
It was in really bad shape, with the blade all scratched up, because he scratches it against the bottom of a ceramic bowl to "sharpen" it. Sigh...
This is before the sharpening. As you can see, I can slide the blade on my hand and not draw blood... I feel sad when I see a blade get mistreated to this state.
This is after the sharpening when I was doing the paper test.
Any sharpeners here? What stones do you use? Any special techniques that you employ when you sharpen? I'm always looking to learn more in order to improve my skills.
to master a skill, you must do it over and over again
I bought new knives last year and invested in a diamond sharpening rig. The only problem I have is not having any more dull knives to sharpen.
Start asking family and friends for their knives to sharpen if you haven't already. I ran into the same problem as you, and that was my attempt at solving it.