Speaking in broad strokes, "we solve them by sort of layering in centralized things." And this is a fine answer! We do this with DNS and certs and it's obviously pretty dang robust.
For context: I mainly want to decentralize SN for censorship resistance (with the added benefit of interop) while understanding the main trade off is UX. Most of these questions illuminate my concerns decentralizing SN might cost more in UX than we gain in censorship resistance. Meaning, I want to gain a lot of censorship resistance and lose little UX.
SN on nostr is obviously more censorship resistant than it currently is, but I feel like today the UX cost is large and the increase in censorship resistance is small - at least until these problems are better understood by me.
Again, nostr is the most promising protocol in the decentralized social media space IMO and I want it to be the protocol that we use. I just need to believe I can build into it good solutions to these problems and tbh I haven't thought about it enough to assure myself I can.
The benefits of stacker.news integrating would nostr at this point would be interoperability with the wider nostr network. responding to comments from other clients, etc. maybe it might make sense in the future but right now the benefits would probably be marginal. stacker.news already seems bigger than the current nostr network anyways.