Something about clicking on the link and seeing the article start with
"Malaysian leader criticises ‘Western narrative’ about Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel."
While I do understand Malaysia is an Islamic country and really by default will side with the Palestinian people some of his comments are pretty wild when you look back at them and the events leading to them. He talks about the 70 years that has been ignored but does not comment on how for decades Israel wanted a 2 state solution but the Palestinian and Arabic countries around them did not. Nor that Israel has been attacked by its neighbors three times and each time was victorious.
I feel like someone has to say it but Gaza and West Bank are regional issues and part of fixing it will require other Arabic countries to come in and help those Palestinians. Except for Jordan, whose population is 55% Palestinian refugees, if I remember correctly, these other countries don't help.
It is like China and North Korea. China needs North Korea to remain as is because it does not need the flood of refugees if the North Korean Government collapses. Egypt, Syria, UAE, Saudia Arabia, etc. do not offer an out for these people confining them to those areas.
That is not even looping in that this whole region has been the region of conquest for thousands of years and Palestine was only created by the Romans when they banned Jewish people from Jerusalem and started renaming stuff like the area of Judea, Samaria, and Idumea into Syria Palaestina.
Its wild to me that either side tries to widdle the situation around to the last 70 or even 200 years when this has been an area of war and conquest for over 2500 years.