I think we'll begin seeing early signs of issues in October.
I suspect the merge will seem fine for at least a year. I think a large reason for the merge is to let block production get captured by a small number of corporations. The next time the usa government wants to censor a contract like tornado cash, they will pressure those corporations to vote against blocks containing transactions to or from the censored contract, and the blockade will succeed. That will demonstrate eth's capture by the state, but it won't quickly stop its price from rising or its usage from growing -- bitcoin will end up doing that by being more liquid than eth because bitcoin will function in areas where eth, due to its capture, cannot.
Agreed. Bitcoin will take the markets where it is most useful, avoiding all types of censorship. And then go from there. It will take time. Meanwhile spend some of your Bitcoin, life has to be lived also.
The fact that several attacks against POS have been described (and mitigated) makes it likely that unknown ones also exist. The Merge is a very complex system at that. With several $100B at stake I'm sure we are in for interesting times. I hope it breaks completely so we can leave Eth in the dustbin of history.