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It seems Pfizer knew that their vaccine caused miscarriages and yet told the public that it was safe for pregnant women.
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Here’s some of the msm reporting that I came across.
Riffraff, I will always say thank God I didn't get vaccinated
Absolutely. At what point did you know you were not having it?
Well, almost since they said that I had to get it, I was already very conspiratorial before, since 2017 I have been very conspiratorial, so you can know how I thought at that time about everything related to the pandemic and the vaccine.
Yes for a lot of us, as soon as they said it would be mandatory it was like a massive red flag after a long list of prior red flags. I even spent time looking at VAERS reports as early as Jan 2021.
Yes, many people say that the world has become very dark and strange since the pandemic, but it has always been like this, only that in the pandemic there was a somewhat greater awakening on these issues, many of us already knew that something was wrong long before.
I work in health and was suspicious about vaccines around the time that the medical establishment went after Dr Andrew Wakefield for proposing a possible link between MMR vaccines and autism.