Not a huge fan but saw him play in-person for the first time last year and was very impressed so always cheer for him. If you are under pressure he is very good around number 4/5/6 in the batting order. Decent hitter against spin so can really keep a run rate going late in an innings.
And as an aside I wish their players would wear stem guards. Not so much on the established grounds but some of these pitches are a real danger.
They all wear very good quality helmets these days.
After the shocking death Phillip Hughes, the helmet rules have also changed in cricket.
That was a freak and tragic accident - not even sure a better helmet would have prevented it - I think the designs aren’t quite there yet but Australia followed England last year so batters need to get used to them.
I don’t mind them but have always worn a helmet, it doesn't affect my poor performance either way lol.
Safety first!!