The Japanese educational system is well known for producing stellar results, so one may think that Japanese students only study hard. Nothing can be further from the truth! Here are three funny things Japanese students do to have fun.
  1. Play Janken
Janken, the Japanese version of "Rock, Scissors, Paper" may seem like a chidlish game, but Japanese students never really grow out of it. They use it as the ultimate decision-making tool for all kinds of situations ranging from who gts the last packet of milk during lunch break to games played during recess time. Playing janken pon is a quick way to decide your fate.
  1. Play kancho
Have you ever been poked in the butt before? Sounds like something impossible? Well, Japanese kids like to clasp their hands together in the shape of a gun and then poke unsuspecting adults in the butt, shouting kancho as their victory cry. So stay vigilant and watch out for small children playing kancho when you're in Japan!
  1. Play jump rope
Japanese schools focus on teamwork, and even their games strive to impart this value. Have you seen a class of forty students standing like canned sardines and trying their best to synchronise their jumping? Class-based jump rope competitions are the rage, and many children risk the indignity of looking unccoordinated to train hard to win these contests.
LOL Hilarious!!! :')
Haha thanks. What are popular pastimes of Argentina children?
There where many which inexplicably faded away even way before the advent of the internet. When I was little we had no tv cable nor internet yet there where only a couple of pastimes. First and above all, football, which I despised (yes, you heard that from an Argentinian) for being so extremely boring that I literally always ended being asleep right in the middle of the field to my friends distress. Then a universal classic which I loved which was hide-and-seek. As for an adult-annoying game as kancho, we had "ring-run", which I also loved much, consisting on mercilessly ringing houses much to the poor victims rage which made it even more thrilling.