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Orange Pilling Has Stopped Working.
And it’s not for lack of effort on the part of the bitcoin community. We’ve written books, blogs (so many blogs!), recorded videos, organized conferences and meetups, and hosted podcasts (so many podcasts!) preaching the value of bitcoin. We put more effort into converting the nocoin infidels than most religions, but our beautiful temple remains sadly empty.
This could be true in the west, but not in the global south. The majority of the population in the the global south don't know what Bitcoin is, or why they need Bitcoin. So, the people will not use Bitcoin just for fun, but as a necessary tool for gaining freedom.
Stop wasting your time time and effort, educating people who have no interest in freedom.
Perhaps orange pilling has reached those it should have reached, and that is fine, not everyone has the same vision, objectives, and desire to be sovereign, many feel good living in the matrix, so let's leave them there and help those who do need Bitcoin.
This was first share by the author here: #531610
I've adopted the belief that to succeed in the Global South, bitcoin must first succeed in the West. What do you think?
It's also a bit too unrealistic and idealistic to expect everyone to swallow the orange pill. How many people out there understand the basics of the monetary system that rules their lives?
It’s probably only worth orange pilling those who are genuinely interested and willing to do the work to understand it.
The social branding of Bitcoin might be off-putting for normies.
In their eyes, it’s nerds with body odor or libertarian zealots trying to shovel ideology down their throats. Or crypto bro NFT scammers.
I was recently browsing N26’s front page (I still need banking, just in case), and they have a cool rapper-looking young kid on the front page that looks like a model. Maybe that’s what Bitcoin branding needs.
Unfortunately Bitcoin is not very cool looking through normie eyes.
Maybe the best orange pill is the price because most people are lazy, but at the same time greedy. They will buy the top and sell the bottom and finally put in the time to understand it when the price goes above the top the bought at initially. lol
Yeah, the former free world is a goner by now...
Outside Bitcoin maxis might meet different conditions, a far more pragmatic approach where people take what they can get, which often includes stablecoins.
Take Hive as an example, in theory as a photographer I would like to make micro payments in Bitcoin only, but then I'd miss out on 7-15 bucks or maybe even more for each prepared post I make, so of course I'll use that and any platform where it pays off to publish long term.
This platform has a lot of people posting from where a sum like matters, and they will be super pragmatic all the way.
Of course I'll regard this either as fiat income to be spent, or shitcoins that will be converted to sats. Or gold :-)
Without Bitcoin these things would never have been possible, I guess that is an orange sheen on any freedom pills of other colours!
I experienced something like this earlier in the year. I was on vacation with a group of my partner's friends. I was excited to pick their brain about bitcoin since they were lawyers and running for/in politics. As soon as the word bitcoin left my mouth, they looked at me like a was a turd. I knew immediately that anything i said would be filed under crypto bro. I wasn't trying to convert anyone, i just wanted to hear their thoughts. I wanted to imagine the world they wanted to build with them.
I immediately bought more. by the end of the vacation that same trade "covered" all of our expenses.
c'est la vie
This is why I rarely mention bitcoin to normies, unless I'm certain they are freethinking types. Most people's understanding of bitcoin comes from news headlines in trashy newspapers, so they have a tendency to think you're a nutter when you start rambling about it.
I feel if you're the sort of person that doesn't question the mainstream narrative, and you still get your information from newspapers and institutions, then you're not ready anyway.
Yes and no.
Everyone has heard of bitcoin now and has a preconceived notion of it. It is unlikely you are going to meet some and be able to introduce them to bitcoin. So your aim is now to convince someone who already has a framework for thinking about Bitcoin. If they have a positive outlook on Bitcoin it is likely they already own some or have at some point. If they have a neutral or negative outlook on Bitcoin the best you can hope for is to get them to have a second look. Highly unlikely you will usher them into "our beautiful temple".
The mass adoption wave, which we are in the beginning stages of was never going to convert normies into Bitcoin maxis. It is going to convert normies into bitcoin holders and users and like any other widely adopted technology when users see how much it benefits them, it will become a larger and larger part of their daily lives.
We are winning. It's just a very long race.
Interesting - i've been thinking this a bit. I've planted the seeds with many people, when they are ready I will be all ears to answering any questions they have.