If you are, what has been your experience?And what do you hope to attain from stacking?
Originally from SA, but living in UK. Worked in Nigeria and Kenya. Bitcoin was an essential tool for moving money back and forth between countries, especially with SA’s tedious capital controls.
I think SA has been ahead of the curve for a long time - BitX (now Luno) was there back in 2013 and pretty liquid. Unfortunately it’s now very shitcoin focused and keeps asking for more and more personal information, so user experience for non shitcoin trading use cases has deteriorated IMO. (Competitors don’t seem much better)
Growing up in SA and having Zimbabwean friends really helped me appreciate how the government controls your property - from asset seizures (SA and Zim farm expropriation) to weakening currency and inflation. Also high levels of physical crime make you appreciate how important it is to be able to keep your family and wealth protected.
Funny coming to the UK and seeing no appreciation of this generally, but now starting to see some wake up to the inflation issue at least.
Obviously Bitcoin helps solve many of these problems for me, but also I see stacking as a partly altruistic act - we need Bitcoin to have value and liquidity if it’s going to be useful throughout Africa and the world. And we need more tools to be built so we don’t need to rely on compromised businesses like Luno.
People don’t appreciate enough that as a holder of Bitcoin in a western country you can sell your bag very easily without affecting the market, and could buy any other asset you want. Therefore holding Bitcoin and shilling it is mostly helping advance adoption (rather than increasing your personal ROI) so more people can get the freedom it enables. I would do that even if my stack didn’t gain purchasing power.
I'm from South Africa, the site has been pretty high signal, meet a lot of plebs from around the world all with their own skill sets sharing information and helping send me down rabbit holes, the sats earned are just a nice bonus
I am here to curate bitcoin information and turn it into easy to understand content on our blog and help others fall down the rabbit hole
As for stacking bitcoin from my income, like everyone else, just trying save what I can from government overreach
Have lived there for some years, adoption will boom.
Currently ranked at #2 position on the SN front page is a post that was Thursday's AMA. Abubakar is Nigerian, and that post as well as his profile @ank show his involvement in his bitcoin involvements:
I am Abubakar, AMA! #57767
A number of weeks ago there was another AMA of a Nigerian exchange CEO:
I am Bernard Parah, CEO of Bitnob, AMA! #40018
There are others here as well, I hope they will pipe in.
@martin is from Namibia. Haven't seen him in awhile though.
@TheBTCManual is from SA I believe.
SN is a great platform. Give it time and it'll be bigger than Twitter.
I'm not sure I understand the second question?
Is it a Twitter replacement? It’s more similar to Reddit, right? But, I suppose it’s also kind of it’s own thing.