There are few intents for ~Spanish by @BitByBit21, as @0xbitcoiner mentioned and ~Brasil founded by @edinho_batonha. it will be nice to hear the experience from the territory founder's perspective!
Personally, I do not think make sense to have dedicated territories for languages because it forces people to be marginalized on a specific corner instead being active participants of the main conversations. That's probably why these two territories got archived.
@ek build time ago, a browser plugin #111566 that enable translations of existing post and comments in the stacker preferred language. It's nice and work perfectly. I assume that there's a need for a more integrated solution to be implemented in SN code itself, like automated translations based on browser language by default. It will limit the barriers to enter and access the valuable contents stackers have to offer.
@ek build time ago, a browser plugin #111566 that enable translations of existing post and comments in the stacker preferred language.
Didn't know about that plugin. The Nostr client for Android, Amethyst has In-Device Automatic Translations, it's so well rounded you don't even notice it's translating for you.
Amethyst is a great example @k00b > In-App Automatic Translations +1
I'd like to do that eventually. We'll have more bandwidth for these nice-to-haves when our wallet changes are further along.
Some people showed interest for the Spanish territory for some time but unfortunately it wasn't enough to keep it working.
It was a nice experiment but I agree it is not the best solution. Having a good translation system embedded in SN sounds great just like in Amethyst since it would be easier for non-English speakers to take part in the conversations.