Amazing !
But those scrollbars don’t look great, what’s your setup ? I need to tweak the design a bit
Ah man, don't worry about that - it's explained in the article about it being a work in progress - it's the idea of FOSS that's exciting. Congrats. My set up is just me trying to build a magazine that offers pure signal to the readers. So far I have some of the team from Looking Glass helping with the educational content. I edit the content into a digital magazine format - working on a printed version once I've got the funds and logistics right - to put in every bitcoin meet up that will have it. Working with just 5 Bitcoin businesses per month to amplify their businesses throughs ads - then it's recent news, tech updates, education and some fun stuff. It's completely free to the readers.
I'd love to keep up to date with the progress of this project, so keep in touch if you don't mind.
That’s great ! Good luck !
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reply*** i missed an 'e'