
Prosecutors are government officials charged with investigating and prosecuting crimes.
Note: within the UK Corporation, the prosecution is carried out in the name of the “crown”, meaning the prosecutor works for the “crown corporation" which is a legal fiction.
Also note: representing a legal fiction without disclosing the full name of the owner of said legal fiction within court, is unlawful and illegal.
The official narrative for the function of the prosecutor is to decide which cases should be prosecuted, determine the appropriate charge and control the plea bargaining process.
This clearly has nothing to do with law, as a single person can never have so much power or control over the proceedings.
Note: the title “prosecutor” denotes that the decision of your innocence is already decided.
However, if you have no claimant or jury, just a prosecutor, then question the following:
“Does the prosecutor have subject matter or personal knowledge regarding the claim?”
Without either subject matter or personal knowledge then the prosecutor cannot move forward, due to there being nothing to substantiate the claim.
The prosecutor may try and gloss over this question and move forward, which he cannot do unless there is a witness present who does have either subject matter or personal knowledge, therefore ask the following:
“Has the prosecutor brought forward a witness to verify the claim?”
Without a witness then there cannot be any hearing, you are not in a “court of law”.