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Without cash, we would be forced to leave a record of everything we buy. While this may not bother some, there are many who worry that governments and/or corporations could use our purchasing histories as a way to track us, monitor us, and even intimidate us.
If they had a lightning paywall I would actually pay. If internet archive had a lighting paywall instead of this capcha bullshit that would be good too.
Scams are afoot! Wait till fedimints get going
When do these start coming out and being used?
Well, you can't ever fix stupid, especially with government decree...
I started booking flights soon after that became possible online, using my card around 2000, and of course I got a separate account for that debit card, so that I could not get robbed blind even if I didn't spot a scam url or similar!
Never lost anything to these scammers, but the big scammer of course has gotten some, the state has the means after all...
This is one time where "Bitcoin fixes this" doesn't even apply, since the people getting phished and tricked would presumably be just as bad about being phished for keys and seed words.
Yeah, probably even worse. As there is no credit card insurance one contributes to with the legacy system to mitigate the fuck ups.
The problem with government is that policies never work. But they never say "oh well, we fucked up" and then get rid of the policy. Instead they push for more policies, more control, and more power. When this doesn't work they want even more and the cycle continues until there is total authoritarianism.
Being cashless keeps records of what we purchased and when. You track our history for your plans. And everything becomes easy after this
Going cashless increases crime if it's done via fiat. Do it with Bitcoin, no crime then!
Going cashless means you leave a trail of information everywhere. From your phone number to address and your bank accounts to your Social security number all are easily accessible and scammers easily defy security terms with the help of them. In India, UPI system, no doubt, it has robust security, not hacked once till now. But scammers continue to scam people with the information available, through call and messages. It's a kind of business here. Scammers have been trapping people by offering them some greed baits.
Lol the rugging will continue until cash returns or a stateless, private digital payment offers an alternative, let the lessons begin
Well. Well. Well. 👀
Sweden is having trouble with their new policies? I remember their people come to america to buy jeans lol